Once you launched your first sequences, you can follow them up to quickly focus on most interesting interactions with them.
You can click on a sequence from the Sequences page then go on the Statistics tab, where you can click on :
added contacts (1) and you will be automatically redirected on the Contacts page where you can see all contacts added to this specific sequence
active contacts (2) and you will be automatically redirected on the Contacts page where you can see all contacts active in this specific sequence
number of openings (3) and you will be automatically redirected on the Contacts page where you can see all contacts that opened an email in this specific sequence. For further information about the openings, here is an article in our help center : Clicks and openings
number of clicks (4) and you will be automatically redirected on the Contacts page where you can see all contacts that clicked on a link of an email in this specific sequence. For further information about the clicks, here is an article in our help center : Clicks and openings
number of manual replies (4) and you will be automatically redirected on the Contacts page where you can see all contacts that manually replied to an email in this specific sequence
Important :
Statistics : contacts that replied then unsubscribed from a sequence are not included in "replied"