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Tasks and Calls management
Tasks and Calls management

How to manage tasks and calls that you include in your sequences

Maximilien Deconinck avatar
Written by Maximilien Deconinck
Updated over a week ago

What are they ?

When creating or editing your sequences, you can schedule calls and task steps to be executed. (cf. article Create and edit a sequence), and that is done owing to the Connect plugin (how to install Connect). When creating a sequence that includes these types of steps, you are able to write content in it so you know exactly the context and the objective of each task and/or call.

How to add tasks and calls in your sequences

  1. Go on the Sequences page using the left panel (1) and click on one of your sequences (2), that must be inactive (no active contacts in it)

2. Click on the My sequence tab (3), then click on one of the steps (4) or add one (5). Switch to Update (6) mode if needed, clicking on the 3 little dots (7).

3. Select either Task (8) or Call (9). Give it a title (10) if it is a task (or a type if it is a call) and a short description (11). Click on Save the sequence (12) when finished.

Please note that tasks and calls can be created out of sequences : how to do so

How to manage tasks and calls

First, it is strongly advised that you pin Connect in Google Chrome so you can easily open it. To do so, click on the puzzle piece in Chrome (1) and then on the pin next to Connect (2).

When your call or task step expires, a notification appears on the plugin icon.

Then, click on Connect to open it and achieve your tasks and calls.

The 'Tasks' tab is composed of different sub-tabs and allows you to view scheduled tasks:

  • Today : Refers to tasks that are to be done today

  • Tomorrow : Refers to tasks that are to be done tomorrow

  • Late : obsolete, not to be used

  • Done : Refers to tasks that have been validated during the last 7 days

To view a task et validate it, click on it and save it.

Specific elements for calls

Regardings calls, you can make notes that you can later find in the contact history. Then you can enter the call result (Positive, Negative, No answer, Answering machine, Wrong number, Secretary block) through the drop-down menu just below the notes you took during the call.

Depending on the result entered, different automatic actions will occur:

  • Positive: the contact will exit the sequence.

  • Negative: Contact will exit the sequence.

  • No answer: the contact will remain in the sequence.

  • Answering machine: the contact will remain in the sequence.

  • Wrong number: the contact will remain in the sequence

  • Secretary barrier: the contact will remain in the sequence

Important: You have to validate your task/call in the Datananas Connect plugin so that your prospect receives the next steps scheduled in your sequence.

Sequence state of your contacts related to calls and tasks

The sequence state of your contacts will also change as a result of your actions on these tasks and calls.

  • If the 1st step of your sequence is a call or a task, then the contact will keep the sequence state "Added" until you validate the call/task in Datananas Connect.

  • If the 1st step is a task and there are other steps scheduled in the sequence, then you must validate the task in the Datananas Connect plugin so that the contact takes the sequence state "Active" in the sequence. If the 1st step is a call, then the contact will take the sequence state "Active" if you choose one of the following results:

    • No answer

    • Voicemail

    • Wrong number

    • Gatekeeper

    Note: If you don't pick any resultat via the drop-down menu on your call and you click on Save and next, the sequence will continue and the contact will have the 'Active' sequence state.

  • If the last step is a task, you have to validate it on Datananas Connect for your contact to take the sequence state "Stopped". If the last step is a call, then tour contact will have the sequence state "Stopped" if you pick one of those results:

    • No answer

    • Voicemail

    • Wrong number

    • Gatekeeper

    Note: If you don't pick any result and you click on Save and next, then the contact will also take the sequence state "Stopped"

  • If you choose "Negative" or "Positive" as a result on your call, then your contact will take the "Unsubscribed" sequence state and will be then unsubscribed from the sequence.

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