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Schedule a sequence
Schedule a sequence

Schedule a sequence and drip sendings over your team and over time

Jean avatar
Written by Jean
Updated over a week ago

To schedule a sequence:

Go to the Contacts tab and select individually the contacts you want to add to your sequence or filter your contacts by list and select them. (cf. article Contact filters).
Click on Add to sequence.

Step 1 : Select sequence

A window appears:

Search and select your sequence to preview all the steps of your sequence on each of the contacts you are about to add to this sequence.

Edit your emails : You will be able to edit the content of the emails of each contact if you wish by clicking on the small pencil in the top right corner of the email. Then, you will just have to apply your modification and click on Save.

Once you have edited and checked your emails, you can click on Next.

Step 2: Contacts

If some of your contacts cannot be added to sequence, a window appears to let you know.

4 reasons can explain this:

1) Some of your contacts are blacklisted: You can click on > to make your blacklisted contacts appear and then remove them from the blacklist if you want.

2/ Some of your contacts are already engaged in another sequence : You can click on > on the right to display the contacts that are already engaged in another sequence. You won't be able to add them to your sequence because a contact cannot be in several sequences simultaneously.

3/ Some of your contacts have missing variables : You can click on > on the right to display the contacts that have missing variables. If you want to edit those variables, you have to click on Edit the contact on the right of the mail address, fill in the missing variable and click on Update.

4/ Some of your contacts have already been in a sequence : You can click on > on the right to display the contacts that have already been in a sequence. If this message appears, it means that you haven't disabled the safeguards in the parameters of your sequence. You can disable this safeguards by clicking directly on Authorize adding.

Step 3 : Configure your sequence

On this page, you will be able to configure your sequence.

Sender : Choose the accounts the emails will be sent from by selecting one of the three options described below.

1/ Send from my account : all the sendings will me made from your email address that is displayed just below.

2/ Send from contact owners : Each contact will be reached by his owner. In order to know how to change the ownership of your contacts, you can read this article. The sendings will be made from the email addresses that are displayed just below.

3/ Select senders : You will choose manually the senders by selecting the email adresses displayed below. The contacts will be then randomly distributed among the selected accounts.

Note: If you are the owner of a contact and you decide to schedule the sequence by choosing another sender, then the chosen sender will become the new owner of the contact.

Also note that if one of your collaborators adds a contact that he/she does not own to the sequence and chooses "Send from my account", then he/she will become the new owner of the contact.

A change of sender therefore also implies a change of owner on your contacts.

Start date : Choose if you want to send your sequence as soon as possible or schedule it for later by selecting one of the two options below:

1/ Start now : Your emails will be sent in the next available slot on the planning. For example, if you are scheduling your sequence at 10:40 a.m., it will be scheduled for 11:00 a.m. If the next time slot is not available, the emails will be scheduled as soon as possible according to your schedule and your quotas defined in the parameters.

2/ Schedule : You can choose to schedule your sequence by selecting the option and defining a date. You can either click directly on the calendar just below (available by clicking on Preview sendings) or click on the small pencil. Once the date and time selected, you can click on Confirm.

The start time of the sequence corresponds to the time slot the sending will me made on. For example, the 10:00 a.m. slot corresponds to sendings made between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Sending mode : Choose if your want to send as many emails as possible as soon as possible or if you want to spread the sendings over time by selecting one of the two options below:

1/ As soons as possible : Sendings will be scheduled to send as many emails as possible as soon as possible, using your maximum quotas established in the settings.

2/ Spread over time : You can spread your sendings. For example you can decide to engage 100 contacts per day and 50 per hour. Please note that the smallest quota will always be prioritized. For example in our case, if you decide to engage 150 contacts with the above distribution, there will be 100 sent on the first day over two time slots and 50 on the second day over one time slot.

In order to preview the sending of your emails over time, you can click on Preview schedule.

Once you have set up your sequence, you can click on Next.

Step 4 : Confirmation of the sequence

A summary of your sequence will appear with the name of your sequence, the number of contacts engaged per user and the start date of the sequence.

If everything is fine for you, you can click on Engage contacts.

Congratulations! Your sequence is now scheduled

If you want to check that you sequence is correctly scheduled, you can go to the report tab of your sequence.


  • If the next time slot is not available when scheduling your emails, the emails will be scheduled as soon as possible according to your schedule and your quotas defined in the settings.

  • When you schedule your sequence, the sending limit is set at 6 months. So if you select a large number of contacts and/or if the chosen distribution implies that emails in your sequence will be sent in more than 6 months, then an error message will appear. You will therefore have to spread your mailings more over time or select a smaller group of contacts.

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